Natalia Janula
What does a chemically preserved flower hear, as it sprouts from a silicon ear? What does a tiny hand feel, as it presses against a rugged stone and rocks its cradle? What skin and body does a latex dress caress, as it lies pierced and unworn?
Natalia is interested in speculative narratives examining the slippage between urban and natural environments, the concept of functionality and ritual, and the exploration of the queer female /body’s positioning within synthetic surroundings - often with an element of levity. Her practice employs a range of technologies and methods, including video, installation, CGI, performance, sculpture, kinetics and sound.
In her most recent work, there are references to fictional landscapes speculatively fiction, folklore and the ethereal. Janula often entertains speculative narratives, chronicling a future scavenger’s travels to forage distant treasure troves, improvising shrines with the materials that they uncover.

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