The second place I went to that afternoon was a noble apartment with lilac walls, beautiful but a bit kitschy to me chandeliers (I wouldn’t be surprised if they were Swarovski crystals) and massive mirrors. The sculptures were stunning, but these creatures seemed to suffer as if their bodies - silver armour and inflated flesh were fighting each other.
The splendour of this place was overwhelming. It was probably also because I could see Louis Vuitton, DIOR, Chanel and other luxurious stores from the window. The world I will never reach - certainly not by writing such texts.
I remember how, at the beginning, Mayfair seemed so alien to me, as if my unbranded sneakers were disgracing their sidewalks. Now, I’m just indifferent. It’s probably also because I’m not that interested in fashion. After seeing many exhibitions in such exclusive establishments, I realised that I was as indifferent to the employees of these galleries as the store across the street was to me.
However, here we were, me and this lady in a beautiful floral shirt, standing 2 meters from each other. I am still sometimes shocked at how art can combine two completely different worlds. I wonder if she still looked at these sculptures as art or as objects to sell.
Damn, I barely wrote anything about the exhibition again, but I highly recommend it. It made a huge impression on me.
The show is open until 22 Jun. @massimodecarlogallery @hannahslevy